From Rimbaud to Magritte, from Eisenstein to Einstein, from factory closures to the scars of Nazi violence: the city as a mechanism to be explored in its layers of space and time, from the public to the intimate, while at the same time, an urban symphony and film memoir. An ambitious essay on a city and, at the same time, a master class on the inexhaustible possibilities of documentary film. (GGP)
- DOK Leipzig - International Competition (2018)
- Dokumentarfilmwoche (2019)
- Crossing Europe Film Festival (2019)
He graduated with a major in editing from the INSAS, Brussels in 1988. He and Frederic Walheer founded Sub Rosa, a production and record company, which released unpublished documents by William Burroughs and Paul Bowles. He was curator of a vast "anthology of electronic music and noise" (2000-12, in seven volumes), a publication about early electronic music and experimental music around the world.
In the 90s, he was the director of an experimental short film about the discovery of a forgotten Merzbau by Kurt Schwitters. In 2000 he founded the production company OME with Dominique Lohlé.
He has written, directed and produced documentary films (15 in 10 years) and co-written with Dominique Goblet short screenplays, such as Pretending is Lying (2007) and Wolves Men (2010).