Micaela and her mother Yurquina embark on a journey to find their grandmother Felipa, the last Coya inhabitant of the forgotten, harsh but extraordinary Andean landscape of Cerro Quemado. The trip will end up being not just a poetic portrait of a world fading from existence, but also an intimate, spiritual encounter of three women from different generations united by an indigenous past. (JY)
He studied filmmaking at the Centro de Investigación Cinematográfica (2000-2004) and made numerous 16mm short films that competed in various international film festivals. In 2008 he participated on the documentary film La palabra empeñada (in collaboration with Martín Masetti), which recovers the figure of disappeared Argentine journalist Jorge Ricardo Masetti.
In 2015, he started work on his debut feature film Cerro Quemado, which depicts the survival of the last Qulla inhabitant in an inhospitable area of northern Argentina. In 2018, he began research for his second feature Nebulosa, which is about the late pianist Francisco Tenorio JR.
Nebulosa (en producción); Cerro quemado (2019); La palabra empeñada (2011).