Culture programmer, curator and worker
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He has explored the relationship between contemporary art and motion pictures and has done extensive audiovisual programming in the field of film essays, experimental film and auteur cinema at the Reina Sofía Museum, whose film and video programming he has directed since 2012. As the main areas of this work: recovering silenced visions that might rewrite the histories of cinema, connecting the practice of filmmaking with a committed political and theoretical space, and understanding film as an art vital to transforming our construction of the world. He is currently the head of cultural and audiovisual activities at the Reina Sofía Museum, an institution where, along with film, he also leads a wide-ranging and transversal program of critical debate. Some of the most notable recent events include: Possible Futures: Cinema and Worlds to Come (2021), Guy Debord and René Viénet, from Lettrism to Situationism (along with Manuel Asín, 2020), Late Godard: Images After the Implosion (2020), Nothing Happens, Everything Changes: A Chantal Akerman Retrospective (2019) and Sarah Maldoror: Négritude Poet and Filmmaker in collaboration with Documenta Madrid (2019).