Los Subterráneos. Archivo del cine amateur cubano

Los Subterráneos, Archive Of Cuban Amateur Film
Lucía Malandro
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Los Subterráneos, Archive Of Cuban Amateur Film

The presentation of the Los subterráneos project gives us a unique look at the first amateur film archive of Cuba. Assiduously selected fragments of films from this valuable archive will be screened. Spanning a variety of genres including fiction, documentary, animation and community cinema, they were made between the 1950s and 2000s.

So far, the Archivistas Salvajes collective has managed to locate and rescue over 250 films from 17 film clubs and independent collectives, which make up just a fraction of the 84 registered in the National Federation of Film Clubs (FNCC) up through 1994. The main objectives of this project are to preserve these endangered film archives, to raise awareness of their cultural and historical value, and to provide access and visibility to these materials of major significance to Cuban identity and history.

> Free entry

Director biography

Lucía Malandro
Lucía Malandro

Lucía Malandro is a Uruguayan film director who did her training at the International Film and Television School (EICTV) in Cuba and her Master's degree from the Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola (EQZE) in San Sebastián. Her film work stands out for its strong emphasis on research and its use of archives, one committed to preserving and disseminating non-hegemonic visual registers and marginalized archives. She has presented her films at such renowned festivals as Jihlava, True/False, Ficunam and Fic Valdivia.

She is also co-founder of the Archivistas Salvajes collective, overseeing and coordinating such notable archive projects as the photograph collection of the Cuban judicial archives and Los Subterráneos, the first Cuban amateur film archive.

She is currently developing her feature film La Isla Sumergida, a project that has earned her a development residency at the Centro de Residencias Artísticas, Matadero Madrid.




Friday 31
11:30 h


Lucía Malandro