DocumentaMadrid 2017

La película de nuestra vida

(The Movie of our Lives)

Enrique Baró Ubach
81' / 2016 / Spain

A young man, an adult man and an old man (perhaps the same man) wake up one morning in their summer home. The place no longer belongs to them, but in a single day they will recreate the summer of their lives.

Main Festivals & Awards

Seville European Film Festival – New Waves Section (2016)
D'A Auteur Film Festival, Barcelona –Official Section (2017)

Director's Biography

(Barcelona, 1976). From a very young age he was particularly drawn to film, but it wasn’t until 1987 while watching Brian de Palma’s adaptation of Eliott Ness’ The Untouchables that he experienced a revelation. It was around that time that his uncle Juan began to give him issues of the magazine Imágenes de actualidad, which he devoured and horded with true devotion. The compulsive liar Terenci Moix was also a key figure during these years of initiation. It was at that time when, in the solitude of his bedroom, he came up with HOMELLYWOOD, a literal dream factory in which he wrote thousands of plots for films, creating his own casts and even posters. It was a fascinating domestic universe that ran parallel to that offered up by the media. His first forays into real images came later: short film projects, short films, jobs in television, in studios and his first documentary pieces. For years now he has earned a living as a set photographer. The Movie of our Lives is his first actual film.

More information

Director:Enrique Baró Ubach
Language: Catalan
English and spanish subtitled
Screenplay: Enrique Baró Ubach
Photography: Carlos Vásquez Méndez
Edition: Enrique Baró Ubach, Josetxo Cerdán Los Arcos
Sound: Amanda Villavieja García
Producers: Enrique Baró Ubach


Sunday 7th 22:00

Monday 8th 17:00


(Cineteca screenings only)
From 3pm on 27 April

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