DocumentaMadrid 2017


Chico Pereira
86' / 2017 / Spain, United Kingdom

ARACNE Award for the Best Spanish Director

Manolo leads a simple life in the south of Spain. He has two loves: his animals, in particular his donkey Gorrión (Sparrow), and taking long wanders through nature. Against the advice of his doctor, he decides to plan one last walk by re-tracing the Trail of Tears, a brutal forced 2200-mile trek through the Native American Cherokee Nation.

Main Festivals & Awards

International Film Festival Rotterdam (2017)

Director's Biography

After several award-winning short fiction films, Chico Pereira (born 1979 in Almaden, Spain) moved towards documentary by devising minimalist narratives inspired by real-life characters and performed by them. As part of his research for the MFA Advanced Film Practice at Edinburgh Napier University, Chico started combining fiction and documentary film techniques. Pablo's Winter was his graduation film and his first feature length work. It won awards at DOK Leipzig,
IDFA and Full Frame, and opened the 2013 MoMA Documentary Fortnight in NYC. A short doc
Polaris, about Filipino fishermen on Scottish boats, followed. Chico is funded by a prestigious scholarship granted by “La Caixa” to undertake a PhD in Social Anthropology and Ethnographic Film in Santa Cruz, USA. Donkeyote is his sophomore film to his widely admired debut.

More information

Director:Chico Pereira
Language: Spanish
English subtitled
Screenplay: Chico Pereira, Manuel Pereira, Gabriel Molera
Photography: Julian Schwanitz
Edition: Nick Gibbon
Sound: Mark Deas
Production: Sutor Kolonko, Sdi Productions LTD,
Producers: Ingmar Trost, Sonja Henrici
International Sales:
Scottish Documentary Institute
Sonja Henrici
Tel. +44 131 6515871.


Saturday 6th 19:00
Centro Cultural Santa Petronila

Saturday 6th 19:00
Centro Cultural Eduardo Úrculo

Sunday 7th 19:30

Monday 8th 22:00

Saturday 13th 17:00


(Cineteca screenings only)
From 3pm on 27 April

More about tickets

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