Vaya panorama

Errores, tecno, espectros

Vaya Panorama is born from the certainty that contemporary creation not only proposes a new way of creating, but also a new way of seeing, of relating to cinema. This is the drive behind this new section of Documenta Madrid: the desire to open a window to the most daring work today, while also supporting a new way of being in cinemas and interacting with the audience’s gaze.

The name of the section actually plays against the usual meaning of this common expression, reflecting the playfulness that is a fundamental part of the spirit that Documenta Madrid wishes to create, with a firm belief in the current audiovisual scene’s potential for expansion and intervention. Therefore, Vaya Panorama is a space designed for reflection on the viewing experience and the processes of audiovisual creation, and is aimed at encouraging new ways of producing, screening and exhibiting work, always from a collective viewpoint.

To this end, Documenta Madrid invites artists, creative collectives and programmers, who incorporate permeability, trial and error into their processes, placing the search and the unfinished at the centre of their proposals.

Programmeof Vaya panorama

Showing 1 - 4 of 4
45 2022
Abel Hernández
Blanca Velasco Navarro
73 2022
Terrorismo de Autor
55 2022
Mikaela Cilindro
Marta Mosquera
Dafne Ramírez
Jackie Meylin Sandoval
Mariamu Toure
29 2022
Mirari Echávarri
Irati Gorostidi