Sound in non-fiction cinema. The case of “El año del descubrimiento” (with Jorge Alarcón and Alberto Carlassare)

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Taller sonido

In non-fiction films, images are often built around sound, which is the real engine of the story and an essential source of realism. There is a meticulous process of sound work behind these films, where the aim is to tell everything that escapes the image and to provide a space and time to the story without losing sight of the inherent naturalism of these films. To explore these and other issues, we are organising a forum where we will be studying the case of El año del descubrimiento (Luis López Carrasco, 2020), with the participation of those responsible for the film’s sound.
> Workshop in collaboration with ECAM

Get your ticket here

Wednesday May 25th, Sala Borau - 5pm