Serrana Torres

Filmmaker and producer
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With a degree in Film Studies from Stockholms Filmskola (Sweden), she has always been linked to the arts and the film industry, where she has worked in different audiovisual formats as a filmmaker, screenwriter and producer. Since 2008, she has lived in Barcelona, where she co-founded Intropía Media, a company dedicated to the creation and production of audiovisual content for different platforms. She has produced titles such as Oleg y las raras artes, by Andrés Duque, Las Sinsombrero, by Serrana Torres, Manuel Jiménez and Tania Balló, and Transoceánicas, by Lucía Vassallo and Meritxell Colell. She is also a founding member of the board of directors of Dones Visuals and one of the creators of Pla d'Acció, Acció Curts and Acció Directori.