DocumentaMadrid 2017



Pau Coll Sánchez
58' / 2017 / Spain

Movistar + Award for the Best Ibero-American Feature Length Documentary

Around 300 young men aged between 18 and 23 live in Catalonia’s Youth Prison. Five of them picked up a camera for a year to talk about what life is like behind prison walls. One year to speak about the darkness, the passage of time, death and freedom. Particularly freedom. Inside is a journey inside a prison narrated from a first-hand perspective that only a prisoner can get. A radically honest view that shatters our prejudices about prisons and the people who live in them.

A documentary produced by Soufian, Samuel, Jorge, Abdel and Kamal.

Director's Biography

Pau Coll is a photographer, documentary maker, coordinator of participative photography workshops and founding member of RUIDO Photo (2004, Barcelona). Pau has produced some twenty photographic and documentary features around the world in countries like Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, Cuba, El Salvador, Algeria, Nepal as well as in Europe.

As part of his documentary photography work, Pau has specialised in prison systems in several countries, including a feature on prison overcrowding in El Salvador, the world's most violent country. Pau has also tackled migration issues, including the Mediterranean refugee crisis and the route followed by Central American migrants through Mexico, plus he has covered humanitarian emergency situations like the 2015 Nepal earthquake.

At the same time, Pau Coll has been working since 2005 on community intervention social projects involving participative photography, especially in Catalonian prisons. Based on his prison work, Pau directed the short film
La quinta del chabolo, which received the Social Welfare Media Award from Barcelona City Council, and the full-length film Inside, shortlisted at the 14th DocumentaMadrid Festival.

Other major participative photography projects are workshops with Saharan refugees in Algeria and with the punk community in Cuba. The material that came out of these workshops was compiled respectively in the book
Testimonis de l’oblit, el poble Saharauí a l’exili (Testimonies of Oblivion, the Saharan People in Exile) for Catalan NGO Amics del Poble Saharauí (2008) and the book with double cover Kuidado ke muerden (Careful, They Bite) about the Cuban punk movement.

Pau Coll has obtained a number of national and international photography awards, including the Open Objective prize awarded by the Valencian government and EFE news agency (2009). He was also a finalist for the Gabriel García Márquez Journalism Research Prize (2013) and an Alexia Foundation grant (2014). Pau Coll currently teaches photojournalism at the CFD (Centre for Documentary Photography) in Barcelona and at the IEFC (Institute for Photography Studies of Catalonia).

More information

Director:Pau Coll Sánchez
Language: Spanish
English subtitled
Screenplay: Soufian, Samuel, Jorge, Abdel, Kamal
Photography: Soufian, Samuel, Jorge, Abdel, Kamal
Edition: Albert Baquero Roig, Camille Productions
Sound: Soufian, Samuel, Jorge, Abdel, Kamal, Albert Baquero
Production: RUIDO Photo


Friday 5th 19:00
Centro Juvenil El Sitio de mi Recreo

Tuesday 9th 19:30

Wednesday 10th 22:00

Saturday 13th 21:30


(Cineteca screenings only)
From 3pm on 27 April

More about tickets

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